Our Town


Elliston is a small community located on the east coast of Newfoundland in Trinity Bay that also includes Maberly where the Puffin Craft Shop is located. This settlement was originally known by the somewhat commonplace names of Bird Island Cove (Elliston) and Muddy Brook (Maberly). The community was once a busy fishing settlement but now is a quiet tourist destination with an approximate population of 300 people, although that number increases during the summer months. The town contains many attractions but some of the highlights include the beautiful beach at Sandy Cove, puffin viewing site, hiking/walking trails, root cellars and more. All throughout the area there is magnificent scenery with excellent ocean vistas especially in the Maberly area. Sometimes, during the spring, we are treated to icebergs off our shores and during the summer a variety of whales can be seen around our coastline.

Here is a link to the Elliston Community Website.



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